Conferences and seminars
The Centro Sraffa, in its activity of promotion and support of research, organizes seminars, workshop and conferences on all themes that are relevant for its aims, and particularly:
- analysis and interpretation of the work of Sraffa and Classical economists;
- history, analysis and critique of the neoclassical theories of prices and distribution;
- development of the modern Classical approach;
- exchange and debate with other currents of contemporary economic analysis;
- analysis of economic realities and policies, and of the historical and institutional context regarded as an essential part of economic events.
For full list of Past Conferences and Seminars please go to
Past Events
School of Advanced Studies in the Reappraisal of the Surplus Approach
The Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione "Piero Sraffa" organizes a Winter School open to PhD students and young scholars with an interest in the modern revival of Classical theory.
13-18 January 2025 Roma Tre University, Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali