Materiali di Discussione

1. Classical Theory and Policy Analysis: A Round Table
Author: Duncan K. Foley, Pierangelo Garegnani, Massimo Pivetti, Fernando Vianello
No abstract available

2. Gramsci, Sraffa e la "famigerata lettera" di Grieco
Author: Giancarlo de Vivo
Gramsci, Sraffa and Grieco's "Notorious" Letter discusses an important episode in the prison life of Gramsci: that of a letter sent him bu his comrade Grieco in 1928, a letter Gramsci suspected to have been sent with the aim of damaging his position in the impending trial before the Fascist "Tribunale Speciale". The thesis put forward by Luciano Canfora, that the letterhad been tampered with by the police, with the addition of the compromising passages, is critically discussed. Canfora also asserts that Sraffa would have furnished widely different interpretations of this episode at different times, for "party reasons". This is shown to be contradicted by the available evidence.

3. Employment and Income Distribution from a Classical-Keynesian Viewpoint. Some Tools to Ground a Normative Analysis.
Author: Enrico Bellino
Two unambiguous phenomena have characterized the environment in which the global crisis has spread: a thirty-year increase in the profit share and a signigicant increase in the 'degree of financiarisation'. Dominant economic theory does not seem suitably equipped to provide solid benchmarksfor orientating a normative analysison these aspects. This paper will analyze the two mentioned phenomena in light of an alternative paradigm, based on Classical and Keynesian lines, with the purpose of not only highlighting the two specific issues but also outlining a normative framework based on the Classical-Keynesian approach to political economy.